Our History
The Making of MT7
In 2012, the City of Calgary was named Culture Capital of Canada alongside the Niagara region in Southern Ontario. Inspired by the founding event of modern Southern Alberta, Making Treaty 7 was a project created as part of Calgary’s winning bid for the title. When Calgary 2012 finished its run, Making Treaty 7 filed for non-profit status with the intent to continue producing events that invite Calgarians, and all Canadians, to consider an enlightened, sustainable future for all of us.
Today, Making Treaty 7 operates as a non-profit entity with federal charity status and is governed by a board of directors with representation from each of the Treaty 7 communities. Through its evolution, Making Treaty 7 has partnered with diverse cultural organizations dedicated to lifting Indigenous voices and making a difference in their communities. We continue to host events, put on theatre productions and educate the public on Indigenous affairs, human rights issues, and the culture and identity of historic and present Indigenous peoples.

"We are all treaty people."
Our Founders
Making Treaty 7 Cultural Society would like to acknowledge the late ELK SHADOW / PONA KO’TAKSI, also known as Michael Green, and MIDDLE BULL / TATSIKIISTAMIK, also known as Narcisse Blood.
Elk Shadow was the founder and visionary behind the Making Treaty 7 project. We celebrate his commitment to a shared belief that “we are all treaty people.” Elk Shadow, One of Long Vision, had no boundaries and could not see colour. He was an inspiration to everyone he touched. We are committed to ensuring that his spirit will live on.
“This is the most rewarding and electrified piece of art that I have ever created in over 30 years,” he told us, “and to have, through this process, through the Sundance, been blessed with a spiritual awakening is a gift I could never have expected.”
Middle Bull was the Cultural and Spiritual Advisor to Making Treaty 7. He was the Grandfather to the cast and crew; he was the walking encyclopedia of our language, our culture and our history.
Together, Middle Bull and Elk Shadow brought First Nations and non-First Nations together. They were the heart and soul of Making Treaty 7.
Kitaitamatsin, or "Until we meet again."